Residents enjoy cracking Easter fun
Sunny Easter fun featured garden egg hunts, arts and crafts, visits by the Easter Bunny and collecting and donating chocolate treats for charity
Residents gathered, sorted and donated dozens of chocolate Easter eggs for distribution to families supported by Sherborne Food Bank.
Our resident Julie Brown did especially well, sourcing lots of eggs from family and friends to support the initiative. She said: “I wanted to do something to help such a wonderful, highly regarded charity and community cause.”
Our Companionship Team Leader Bev de Bruyn said: “Sherborne Food Bank is our chosen charity this year and we were only too happy to share chocolate Easter eggs with two trustees who stopped outside our home to pick up our donation.
“This is exactly the sort of luxury item which many families on lower incomes struggle to provide.
“Julie was particularly keen to help but all our residents know there is a world out there with many people in need.”
And in the run-up to Easter, children at schools close to all our homes in Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire and West Sussex took part in an art project organised by the Customer Service teams in each area.
Pupils were provided with an Easter-themed picture to colour in, with residents judging the entries and picking their favourites to receive prizes and certificates.
The homes will be using the pictures to create bunting and other decorations throughout spring.
Elaine Farrer, Colten Care’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “The project was great fun and a brilliant example of community engagement and reaching across the generations.”