Salisbury Museum Trip
Residents from Braemar Lodge recently visited the newly redesigned Salisbury Gallery at the Salisbury Museum in the Cathedral Close.
This gallery tells Salisbury’s story from 1220 to the 21st century. The museum has done a brilliant job in creating a fascinating series of displays, with areas that appeal to all ages. This includes the Salisbury Giant and Hob-Nob, displayed in all their glory.
Several residents at Braemar Lodge have links with the museum. Kay attended the trip, and she worked at the Common Cold Research Unit based in the area between 1946 and 1989. There is a display in the museum about this unit. A few months ago, Kay was interviewed as part of an oral history project, and some of this interview is part of the display. We all listened on headphones to Kay’s memories. Kay was delighted that the important work of the unit has been recognised within the museum, and excited to see this display.
Museum staff were very kind and helpful to our group, and everyone enjoyed this trip.