Harry Potter Comes to Canford Chase
Wizards, witches, and muggles assembled for our Harry Potter themed day.
We began by watching ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,’ which everyone enjoyed very much. It was the first time some of our residents had seen it!
Afterwards, we held our very own sorting ceremony to determine which Hogwarts school house each of us would be in. And of course, the day wouldn’t have been complete without games! Namely, Table Quidditch and a lesson of Wand 101.
We celebrated with Butter Beer and our very own sweet trolley, packed with a variety of magical treats including unique flavoured jellybeans and our very own creations: Huffle Puffs and Gringotts Gold.
The day was full of laughter. Carol commented, “If only real school was this much fun… we never would have wanted to leave!”