Welcome To Canford Chase!

30 August 2023

We recently welcomed residents from Avon Reach, Avon Cliff and Bourne View for the second part of the Produce Show.

Each part is a new subject and this time it was our garden. We had many discussions about the homes gardens. Residents spoke of past gardens they had tended along with their childhood memories. Many remembered pickling a variety of produce as times were hard during the war, they remembered making use of everything.

Every home brought along a variety of things they have made over the last few months to show our versions of what our gardens mean to us. We had lots of jam chutneys and pickles to enjoy which we opened in the afternoon. Residents chatted over tea and cake whilst forging new friendships along the way. We had a lovely day with our fellow friends from the homes surrounding us and are making plans to visit each other very soon.