Cuddle a Guinea Pig

4 April 2024

To celebrate National Pet Day at Bourne View, we invited a small herd of guinea pigs into our beautiful home.

The residents had a fun afternoon of watching the antics that these little characters get up to. Some of these loveable, cuddly little critters even made their way onto a few of our residents’ laps for a relaxing time of stroking and petting.

Nine guinea pigs in all arrived, in two separate carriers. There handler, Kate and our companion Corinne had already set up a large run in the light and airy garden room on the top floor of our beautiful home.

The pigs were placed in an open topped cage with some food and water and a couple of log rolls where they could hide and feel safe.

Our residents gathered their chairs around the outside of the run where they had a good view to watch how the pigs – Dolly, Jude, Cilla, Flash, Isla, Lemon, Nina, Indi, and Speckle – all interacted with each other.

The residents wanted to know all about these small rodents and many questions were asked. We found that Cilla and Flash were sisters, and Nina was mother to Speckle, and she was only 5 weeks old.

Jean had a cuddle with Jude. Jean was so excited she exclaimed, “I’m a happy Bunny!”

David was unable to visit the guinea pigs, so we took Dolly to visit him in his room. David loved having Dolly on his chest – I have not seen David so animated in a long time.

It was a joy to see!