Warm, Friendly & Welcoming

Whether you’d like an initial chat about the care we provide, you have a question about our all-inclusive fees, or you want to understand how admission into one of our homes works, we’re here to help.

Call us

01425 460 985

At every Colten Care home, we have a dedicated Customer Support Advisor based within the home, not a call centre. If you’re not sure which home you’re interested in yet, we also have a team ready to help at our Support Centre based in Hampshire.

You’ll have a single point of contact who knows everything there is to know about our homes guiding you through the process step by step, no matter where you are in your journey.

If you decide to come to one of our care homes for a tour, a Customer Advisor will be there to show you around and answer your questions, unless they are out of the home.

So, whether you’d like an initial chat about the care we provide, you have a question about our all-inclusive fees, or you want to understand how admission into our home works, we’re here to help.

If you’d like to see for yourself what makes a Colten Care home so special, give us a call today to book your visit.


If you’d prefer to leave us a message and for a Customer Service Advisor to contact you, please complete the form below and we’ll respond within one working day.

More ways to get in touch


Compliments are lovely to receive and the team really appreciates receiving them, so if you want to acknowledge something exceptional, it would be greatly appreciated. You can write to your Home Manager/the Directors of Colten Care to let them know your thoughts, or you can leave a review on Carehome.co.uk which will automatically alert the Home and the Directors.


If you have a concern about any aspect of our service, whether inside or outside the home, please speak to the Home Manager who will try to put things immediately right for you. If you wish to put your concern in writing, please send us an email by clicking the button below.


Suggestions are always welcome, big or small. If you have any suggestions that would help us improve our service, we’d love to hear from you. We always endeavour to listen and act upon feedback.

Business Enquiries

If you’re a business or professional looking to make contact with someone at  Colten Care, please send an email detailing the nature of your enquiry, with your full name and contact details, to enquiries@coltencare.co.uk

Work for us

We’re always delighted to hear from caring professionals who would like to join our team. Colten Care has 21 luxury care homes across Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and West Sussex, seven of which are rated ‘Outstanding’ by the CQC, our national regulator. If a career in elderly care is for you, you want to work for Colten Care.

Our Care Homes

Our 21 homes offer the highest standards of care with each one retaining a distinct character that reflects its own individual style and location.

Head Office

Colten Care Limited
Colten House
Wellworthy Way
BH24 3FE
T: 01425 460900