Although Belmore Lodge is not a dementia home, we are committed to supporting our residents to live meaningful and fulfilled lives, and that includes those living with the earlier stages of dementia or cognitive impairment. Symptoms that can include short term memory loss, difficulty concentrating and changes in mood are understood and supported by our care teams.
According to the Alzheimer’s Society, around 70% of all care home residents are living with a form of dementia or significant cognitive impairment. Our team is trained to understand the complexities of dementia care, aware that everyone is at a different place in their dementia journey.
Residents’ individual care plans – ‘All About Me’ – recognise this individual journey, and families meet with the home team to review these plans on a regular basis, making adjustments where needed to align care at all levels to any changing dementia needs.
Our homes are able to collaborate and liaise with local services in order to support our residents and their loved ones in identifying cognitive impairment, diagnosis and ongoing care and support.
We always have a ‘can do’ attitude and aim to make every day a fulfilled day.
While our home is perfectly positioned to care for residents with the earlier stages of dementia, there may come a time for some people when their symptoms become more complex.
Transitions to a dedicated dementia community, or any move within care, can evoke feelings of apprehension. Colten Care is one of the very few care providers nationally that host an Admiral Nurse, in partnership with the charity Dementia UK. Kay is able to support residents and families in assessing and identifying whether this is truly the best move and if so, able to aid in making any transition as smooth as possible.
In these circumstances, arranging dedicated, specialist care is the right thing to do for residents and their families. A dedicated dementia care setting can be a highly positive step to take.
At Colten Care we have five Dedicated Dementia communities that were purpose-built, from the very first design idea, purely for people living dementia. They provide stimulating and engaging environments where residents can live life at their own pace, maintaining a sense of purpose, independence and belonging, with care teams that have in-depth training in dementia. Most importantly, we can ensure continuity of care if a resident needs to transition into a dedicated dementia facility.
Kay Gibson is our Admiral Nurse, a specialist dementia care nurse working in partnership with Dementia UK, who gives expert practical, clinical and emotional support to families facing the challenges of dementia.
Kay supports all our homes and often spends a significant amount of time within our residential and nursing homes helping residents and families with any questions or concerns they may have in relation to dementia and cognitive impairment. This may be accessing services, diagnosis, or post-diagnostic support.
Whether it’s to support a resident, relative or colleague, Kay’s role as an Admiral Nurse is pivotal in our continual drive towards excellence in dementia care and supporting families to overcome the challenges associated with dementia.
Kay works with families to provide support, advice and reassurance. This might be reviewing your loved one’s daily life plan, discussing medication or looking for hints and suggestions on how to get the most out of your care home visits, especially where someone with dementia is presenting complex behaviours.
With her extensive knowledge and qualifications in dementia, Kay primarily supports our dementia communities with clinical needs (such as nutrition and medication), social well-being needs (such as meaningful activities) and assists in the review of our dementia training and development of our dementia strategy.
You can talk to Kay anytime to seek advice or ask a question about the challenges associated with dementia.
Nursing Care
Belmore Lodge nurses are available for all residents, at all times. We believe that’s the bedrock of a safe and happy home, providing nurse-led care to manage complex medical conditions, whilst ensuring all residents can stay within their familiar and comfortable home setting should their care needs change.
Assisted Care
Our care teams assist with all aspects of daily living for our residents, from personal care to taking regular medications, working flexibly to promote independence providing support to maintain the physical care and comfort of residents.
Residential Care
Our residential care service is designed to provide a comfortable and relaxed home environment where home maintenance, laundry, cooking and housekeeping are taken care of on your behalf.
Short Stay & Respite
We offer the same high quality care services enjoyed by our long-term residents on a short-term basis. Whether it’s for a short period of recovery, a respite break or simply a trial run for those looking for a permanent move, we offer a home from home where residents can live their life, their way.
End Of Life
We want people to live well with us, making the most of every single day. If that means being together until the end of life, we want our residents to die well with dignity with family around, in familiar surroundings with staff they know well.