The Spring Lambs Come To Visit

24 April 2024

The look of pure joy on the faces of our residents was brilliant today as the spring lambs came to visit, marking the season.

This hands-on pet therapy was made possible by staff member Donna Peck and her daughter Phoebe, who brought six little lambs aged 5 to 12 days old. These lambs are being cared for as the ewes had triplets, and they can only be fed for a few days before the stronger siblings nudge the smallest away.

Donna and her family, farmers from nearby Piddletrentide, take turns to feed them around the clock. They feed them with ewe’s milk supplement, using a shepherdess’s trolley with teats and an allocated amount of milk to avoid overfeeding, which can cause bloating and is harmful.

The teat feeding continues for the first month, then they are fed on little grass pellets before being set free to roam the fields and rejoin the flock. In total, there are six lambs being cared for, each with weird and wonderful names, such as Nugget, Spot, and Sue, which delighted our companion Sue immensely!