World Theatre Day

27 March 2024

The ‘Silver Brook Choir’ gathered excitedly in the lounge with the backdrops in place for two shows; Oliver and The Sound of Music to celebrate World Theatre Day.

Props were ready for them to perform seven songs from each of the shows. With an audience gathering, the nerves started to set in, but they need not have worried.

Everyone joined in with ‘Food Glorious Food’ followed directly by ‘Oliver’ with our own Diana playing the part of Oliver extremely well, with the well know phrase; ‘Please Sir, can I have some more’.

There was so much joy and laughter throughout the performance and especially with ‘Oom-Pah-Pah’ when we all swung the beer glasses.

The seven songs from the Sound of Music were a great hit, especially as everyone, even those in the audience, got to wear a nun’s wimple.

There was such a joyful spirit in the lounge, and everyone said how much they had enjoyed the show. Our final song was the very popular Edelweiss.

All in all, it was a very successful afternoon.