We are Friendly
Welcome, approachable, eager to listen and help
You’d be surprised how many caring people make up the team that look after residents, maintaining the highest standards of clinical and social care. From the Home Manager to the Chef, the Housekeeping team to the Clinical Lead, we all come together to make ‘One Team’, putting residents at the heart of all we do.
“Nothing is too much trouble for all staff whether it’s medical, activities, meals or just a chat.” – David S, son of resident at Amberwood House
There is a large team of well-trained and compassionate staff at Amberwood House, working as one to provide the highest standards of clinical and social care. ‘Nothing is too much trouble’ is something we regularly here about our amazing team in resident and relative feedback.
N.B The following images of Colten Care residents and staff are not all from Amberwood House