Feeding The Birds

19 February 2024

What a wonderful outing we had to Poole Park!

Despite the chilly weather, the sun made a welcome appearance, adding warmth to our adventure.

Bundled up in our jackets, we embarked on a leisurely stroll around the lake, taking in the serene surroundings.

The park was bustling with families and couples, and we couldn’t resist striking up conversations along the way.

Our driver Martin, ever the thoughtful guide, armed us with bird seed, and we delighted in feeding the pigeons, geese, swans, and ducks that flocked around us.

Marjorie showed remarkable bravery by hand-feeding the female geese, much to everyone’s delight.

After our bird-watching escapade, we treated ourselves to a cup of tea and biscuits by the tranquil lake, soaking in the peaceful atmosphere.

As we boarded the bus for our return journey to Amberwood House, our spirits were lifted, and our lungs filled with the crisp, refreshing air.

It was truly a rejuvenating experience!